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Showing posts from April, 2010

PyCon Australia Call For Proposals

Hi everyone, I'm happy to announce that on the 26th and 27th of June we are running PyCon Australia in Sydney!   http:// pycon We are looking for proposals for Talks on all aspects of Python programming from novice to advanced levels; applications and frameworks, or how you have been involved in introducing Python into your organisation. We welcome first-time speakers; we are a community conference and we are eager to hear about your experience. If you have friends or colleagues who have something valuable to contribute, twist their arms to tell us about it! Please also forward this Call for Proposals to anyone that you feel may be interested. To find out more go to the official Call for Proposals page here:   http:// pycon conference/proposals/ The deadline for proposal submission is the 29th of April. Proposal acceptance will be announced on the 12th of May. See you in Sydney in June! Richard Jones PyCon AU Program Chair...

PyCon APAC - Early Bird and Tutorial Registration Open

Early Bird Registration and Tutorial Registration is open for PyCon APAC 2010, happening at Singapore . The Early Bird Registration will end by April 2010. Don't miss this opportunity to meet some of the wonderful Pythonistas coming from all around the world. Sincerely, Liew Beng Keat, Maurice Ling and  PyCon APAC Organizing Committee