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Showing posts from April, 2011

PyOhio (July 30-31) Call for Proposals

PyOhio 2011, the fourth annual Python programming conference for Ohio and the surrounding region, will take place Saturday-Sunday, July 30-31, 2011 at the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. A variety of activities are planned, including tutorials, scheduled talks, Lightning Talks, Open Spaces and Sprints. PyOhio invites all interested people to submit proposals for scheduled talks, tutorials, and panels. All topics of interest to Python programmers will be considered. Standard presentation slots will be 40 minutes plus a 10 minute question-and-answer period. PyOhio is a great venue to get word out about your favorite Python library and how you use it, talk about how Python is used in your company, or practice your speaking in front of a welcoming audience. PyOhio is especially interested in hosting a Beginner’s Track for those new to Python or new to programming in general. If your proposal would be suitable for inclusion in a Beginner’s Track, please indicate so. Organizers will...