The 4th annual PyCon APAC 2013 will be held at Kogakuin University in Tokyo. The first three events were hosted in Singapore, and this year’s event for the first time in Japan. The schedule is as below. Tutorial: 2013-09-13(Fri) Conference: 2013-09-14(Sat)-15(Sun) Development Sprints: 2013-09-16(Mon / Publich Holiday in Japan) Now, we are seeking proposals for talks for this year’s PyCon APAC. Visit the PyCon APAC 2013 CFP page for more information. Submission deadline is 30 June . Since we are holding PyCon APAC, which is a conference for the entire Asia-Pacific region, we are expecting many international participants. Therefore, we are seeking a large number of English talk proposals. This is your chance to introduce your topic to Pythonistas in Asia! For more information on . Any questions and comments are welcome, email to us (2013 at pycon dot jp).