South Africa’s second PyConZA kicks-off in just three days time in Cape Town! Opening the speaking is Simon Ratcliffe from the Square Kilometre Array talking about constructing a completely Pythonic high-performance data processing chain for the world’s largest radio telescope whose construction is scheduled to start in 2016. The program continues with notable speakers such as Larry Hastings (speaking on Python’s bytecode), Armin Rigo (giving an introduction to STM), Stefan van der Walt (introducing image processing with scikit-image) and Stefano Rivera (explaining how to package Python applications for Debian and Ubuntu). We’re very please this year to have more speakers from elsewhere in Africa including Kisitu Augustine (from Uganda) and Goddy Akpojotor (from Nigeria). Of course a PyCon wouldn’t be a PyCon without lightning talks and open spaces . Lightning talks are happening on Thursday while this year open spaces are running in their own parallel track on b...