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Showing posts from October, 2021

PyCon US 2022 Call for Proposals is open!

It's that time! PyCon US 2022’s Call for Proposals has officially opened for Talks, Tutorials, Posters, and Charlas. We are excited to gather in person again in Salt Lake City, UT, where all of our speakers will present their topics in person at the Salt Palace Convention Center . PyCon US is made by you, so we want you and your ideas at PyCon US! Please make note of the important deadline for submissions: All proposals are due December 20, 2021 AoE We need beginner, intermediate, and advanced proposals on all sorts of topics. We also need beginner, intermediate, and advanced speakers to give said presentations. You don’t need to be a 20-year veteran who has spoken at dozens of conferences. On all fronts, we need all types of people. That’s what this community is comprised of, so that’s what this conference’s schedule should be made from. For more information on where and how to submit your proposal, visit the main Speaking page on the PyCon US 2022 website . We've provided ...

PyCon US 2022 Website and Sponsorship Program Launch!

With PyCon US 2022 planning underway, we are excited to be launching the conference website along with our sponsorship program. Our team is planning to host the event in person with an online component. Head over to the PyCon US 2022 website for details about the conference and more information about our sponsorship program. You will not want to miss the opportunity to be part of this event! If your organization depends on the Python ecosystem, check out our prospectus online, and sign up today !   The PSF's comprehensive sponsorship program allows organizations to support community programs financially and delivers a variety of benefits that provide visibility across PyCon US,,, and much more:  Outreach & Networking: Access to 2,000+ attendees interested in your products and services to generate qualified leads. Recruiting : Access to qualified job candidates. If you’re hiring, there’s no better place to find Python developers than PyCon US. Marketi...