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PyCon US 2024 Recap and Recording Release

As we wrap up PyCon US 2024, we can’t express enough gratitude to everyone who joined us, whether in-person or online, and made our first time together in Pittsburgh, PA a special and unforgettable experience. Not to mention, a record-breaking year - for the first time since before 2020, PyCon US sold out in-person tickets with over 2,700 tickets sold!

We had an amazing and diverse group of community members join us for PyCon US 2024, attending from 95 different countries! By the numbers, we saw a total attendance of 2,991 – with 2,551 attendees joining us in person and 440 joining us online. We couldn’t be more grateful for all who supported the Python ecosystem and helped make PyCon US 2024 a huge success.

Check out a full comprehensive recap of this year’s PyCon US conference here:

Find more photos from PyCon US 2024, captured by PSF Board Member, Kushal Das, here

We are also excited to announce that all PyCon US 2024 recordings are now available on the PyCon US YouTube channel! Be sure to subscribe to our channel for notifications of any new content.

We send the biggest thank you to all the presenters and speakers for their time, energy, and efforts in providing the wonderful content presented at PyCon US 2024, as well as to our incredible AV team, Altitude C, for their hard work and attention to capture recordings and provide AV this year.

The attendees, volunteers, speakers, staff, and sponsors truly make PyCon US what it is! The work of the Python Software Foundation is only possible with you all. A huge heartfelt thank you to the whole community!

We can’t wait to see you all back in Pittsburgh, PA for PyCon US 2025! If you’d like to be notified when the CFP opens and when tickets go on sale, you can watch this blog or subscribe to PyCon US News. Until then, if you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to
