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Wanted: suggestions for sprint kickoff activities

Last year, there were about 80 people who stayed after PyCon for the sprints that began on Monday. 80 people are a mini-conference in their own right, but on Sunday the scheduled events ran down around 3PM because most attendees are leaving to catch flights out.

Co-chair Jeff Rush has suggested that we should have more activities (whether technical or simply fun) on Sunday evening for the sprinters. Do you have any suggestions?


David Goodger said…
Last year on the evening of the last day of the sprints, Sean Reifschneider & Evelyn Mitchell of hosted (& paid for!) a pizza party by the pool, complete with wireless access from their room. It was very cool. Perhaps we could do something social like that to kick off the sprints? How about an "extended plenary/pizza session"?
Anonymous said…
Sounds like a great idea.

I've just been told by the hotel that if I stay on the last night of the sprints I'm not covered by the special rate. That is, the night of March 1st is not covered by the conference rate and I have to pay full price.

And of course I'll be looking forward to organising some evening board-gaming action :)