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PyCon Tutorial Sessions Announced

I'd like to announce the tutorials sessions for PyCon 2008 (US). As you may know, this year PyCon is being held in Chicago, Illinois March 14-16 with the Thursday before (the 13th) being "Tutorial Thursday". We are expecting nearly 600 Python enthusiasts to meet up for the conference and have 29 tutorial sessions scheduled on Thursday in three sessions; morning, afternoon, and evening. There is an extra fee to attend a tutorial, but the sessions are 3 hours long (with a break) and are taught by some of the smartest cookies in the Python community. Pop on over to for more information

Here's a list of the sessions currently offered (we may cancel a session if there are fewer than 10 people registered, but that doesn't happen very often). In particular, note that there are 4 different introduction to Python tutorials aimed at different audiences.

Morning Session (9:00am-12:20pm)

Afternoon Session (1:20pm-4:40pm)
Evening Session (6:10pm-9:30pm)


Anonymous said…
Please open up the registrations...

Before the prices on the hotel get exorbitant!