PyCon 2008 has come and gone. Overall, it was a great success. We tried some new things -- some worked, others didn't. There were some problems, which I will address in later posts, and which we'll correct in the future. I think that the PyCon organizers -- volunteers all -- put on a great event.
I've been collecting notes since before PyCon for a grand report. I was adding to it, polishing it, and it was growing to the point where it would be too long for anyone to read the whole thing. Also the longer it takes to post the report, the less relevant it may be. So with "publish early and often" and "just publish!" in mind, over the next week or so I'll post what I have, in small chunks, and see how that goes. We won't know how many parts there will be until there's a post titled "Conclusion".
This way, each post can start a separate, focused discussion, here and on the pycon-organizers mailing list. Please join and help out!