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All PyCon 2009 Videos Uploading

The video team has pulled the trigger and all the video from the conference is being uploaded now. At the time of this post about 14 talks are now online. By the end of the day Friday, almost everything should be available (with a few minor exceptions). The videos are also integrated into the PyCon Schedule App as well, with a minor lag time. Just look for the tiny video icon: .

Congratulations to the entire PyCon US 2009 volunteer video team for performing this Herculean task. In total 2.2TB of video, covering 168 hours of material, were collected, edited, transcoded, and uploaded. This is divided into 96 hours from the tutorials and 72 hours from the main conference.


Eric Walstad said…
Great job Doug and the whole video team. Thanks for your excellent efforts!
Doug Napoleone said…
I would love to talk some of the credit for the video, but to be honest I had nothing to do with it. I am just the messenger because the video team is all asleep (for the first time in days).
rajkumar said…
wow 168 hrs of videos!! great job guys.Any plan to add making of PyCon2009 videos anywhere so the we can see these guys at one place?
Anonymous said…
Wonderful! I think the openness of PyCon is one of the most amazing things about Python. I think blip is a good choice: the videos look very good, and I especially appreciate the ability to easily download a copy of videos. Best of all, the way all the videos are collected together and linked from the schedule is very slick and a huge improvement from the scattered videos of other years.

Thanks to all involved!
David Goodger said…
@rajkumar: The video crew did make a "how to record videos" video, which will be posted eventually. Is that what you meant?
rajkumar said…
@David Goodger : No,like a teaser - Behind the scene videos.
David Goodger said…
@rajkumar: They have a bit of that as well. It's a video of people shooting a video. You can watch it side-by-side with the main video itself.

I was just told that we do have some behind-the-scenes video as well. It will require some editing and post-processing though, so may take a while to show up.
Unknown said…
Dang!!! cant wait. Wish I was there. @#$%^& economy fubared any attempt for travel :(
Anonymous said…
This is great stuff. I was curious, will the tutorials also be posted. I've watched several, already
David Goodger said…
@Anonymous: Yes, videos from the tutorials will be published also. However, they will take longer because: (a) we're hitting the daily upload limit on; and (b) the tutorial videos are much larger than talk videos (~1GB vs. ~200MB), and that hits other limits. So please be patient.
Anonymous said…

Thanks for the response. That is great to hear. I still have plenty to watch, till they are posted.
Anonymous said…
Any progress on getting the tutorials uploaded?
Ryan Verner said…
Tutorials should be up ASAP - we've had to deal with some technical issues (a/v sync issues) but we believe we have them mostly resolved now.