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PyCon 2010 - You should register now... and new tutorial slots!

With approximately 18 hours to go before the end of pre-conference registration, PyCon officially has 1000 registrants. Pre-conference rates are still good while it is Feb. 10th somewhere in the world, so REGISTER NOW!

Even if you have already registered, we have been able to get bigger rooms for three of our most popular tutorials:
If you were not able to get into these tutorials, we have a few more slots open.

Finally for those who are currently digging out from under yet another snowstorm, I also point out that PyCon 2010 will be in Atlanta, making it an ideal location for those looking for a way to escape the late winter blizzards in the northeastern United States.


Yarko said…

Pre-conference registration for sessions is closed, but if you have a registration, by all means update your tutorial selections.

- Yarko