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Suggest Speakers for PyCon 2012

As we step within one week of the PyCon proposal deadline, we're hoping the community can help make sure we put together the best conference possible. We've been reaching out to plenty of groups and people we know around the world, and Doug Hellmann recently posted about another approach: having you, the community, reaching out to the speakers you want to see.

His post, titled Choose Your Own (PyCon) Adventure, explains his experience as editor of Python Magazine and how he went about getting writers. One of his most successful ways was to win over potential writers was contacting them directly as individuals.

With that said, suggest away. Got a speaker you want to see? Contact them and see if they'll submit a proposal. Don't know how to get a hold of them? We'll try and track them down and see if they'll propose a talk.

Feel free to leave a comment here on the blog, use the #pycontalksiwant tag on Twitter, or email the program committee. We'll see what we can do.

Even if you can't join us March 7-15 in Santa Clara, CA, you'll probably catch the talks on the web, so everyone is the audience, and everyone is welcomed to suggest the topics and people they want to see at PyCon.

If you already have ideas for a tutorial, talk, or a proposal, October 12, 2011 is your deadline. As long as it's October 12 somewhere in the world, we'll take your submissions. A perfect proposal is always ideal, but don't fret if you're not there yet. We always work with submitters to tweak and finalize their proposals before the review process starts.
