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PyCon US: Information for International Attendees

Just a quick message today for all attendees - but especially for international attendees.

It has been brought to my attention as conference chair that there are time issues when dealing with the acquisition of visas for attendees outside of the US - as has been previously noted, the Program Committee is running behind schedule due to the sheer volume of talks submitted. We plan on announcing accepted talks as soon as possible.

Registration, and therefore Financial Aide applications will be opening soon, tutorial selection is rapidly coming to a close. While I can not disclose details on talks or tutorial selection or rejection, I can go out of my way to assist international attendees.

Given the timelines involved, I am offering to immediately start assisting international attendees with the required visa recommendation letters as chair. I will draft and sign letters certifying your attendance and value to the conference regardless of speaker status - the assumption being that even without open registration, it is important it get these letters/visas approved in a timely manner.

If you are planning on attending - even not as a speaker or teacher - please send an email to Rami Chowdhury, International Travel Coordinator, with the required details and any caveats such as financial aid approval you might have.

As tutorial and talk approvals come in, we can either amend letters as needed, or you can choose to hold off until the decisions are announced.

Thank you - I apologize in the delay and gaps in this area.

Jesse Noller, Chair - PyCon 2012
