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Financial Aid Applications Due Tomorrow!

If finances are what's keeping you away from PyCon, the Financial Aid Committee is there to help make it possible. The deadline for applications is tomorrow - January 7, 2012 - so hurry up and get your application filled out. It's a very quick process thanks to their online application.

Filling out the application requires that you know a few things up front, but will take you no more than a few minutes to complete. I just did a test run right now and it took me three minutes to click through and enter a few pieces of information.

What you need to know:

  1. Do you need assistance with conference registration? This covers your ticket into the show. If you say no here, you will need to buy your own ticket. If you say yes here, don't go off and buy your own ticket to then be reimbursed for. If your application is accepted your ticket will be handled by the committee.
  2. Do you need assistance with a hotel room? If yes, how many nights do you plan to stay? Keep tutorials and sprints in mind if you plan to attend those.
  3. Do you need assistance with travel costs? If yes, what is it going to take to make your trip possible? Please be as accurate as can be. If your application is accepted, you will be reimbursed for your travel expenses based on this amount. Please also specify how you plan to travel.
  4. Do you need assistance with tutorial costs? Tutorials are a separate expense from the three conference days, but we can provide financial assistance to some tutorial attendees. Please specify the names of the tutorials you wish to attend.
That's it. Just submit a few answers and you'll hear back from the Financial Aid Committee by January 10, 2012 with the result of your application.

Even if you don't need financial assistance, we're giving you some anyway: early bird registration rates are valid through January 25, 2012. Head to and get setup today!
