It feels like only a few days ago I was still in the midst of helping wrap up PyCon 2011. In reality, PyCon 2012 is under 50 days away. At this point I feel like a deer in the headlights!
For example - Early Bird registration rates end on January 25th - that's only 7 days away! With the Early Bird discount, and attendance capped at 1500 attendees - now is the time to get registered! Registration includes breakfast, lunch and snacks too!
We have an amazing list of tutorials you can attend, a jam-packed line up of main conference talks, the Poster session is going to be awesome (the full list of accepted posters is coming), our Keynotes and Plenary speakers are amazing (and I haven't even added Guido to that line up yet!). We'll be holding a PyCon 5k Fun Run for charity, Startup Row has returned, and we're raffling off a robot!
If you need it - the room sharing page is live - and we're just beginning to organize the list of sprints for the conference - if the trend continues from past PyCons, sprint attendance this year will be massive.
We have a list of sponsors that's stunning - so many (over 100!) in fact we've had to update the prospectus to remove booth spaces - we filled the San Jose convention center's expo hall! Note, we are still looking for Summit and Sprint sponsors - email if interested.
Just to add fuel to the fire - we are also in the process of planning and announcing a dedicated on site Job Fair to happen in the expo hall alongside the poster sessions on Sunday the 11th! That means if you're looking for a job - bring your resume, github/bitbucket/etc link or business cards!
All of this - and we still have more announcements coming - I'm going to pack as much awesome into this conference as I can (or until I fall over). Open Spaces, Lightning talks, tutorials, posters, sprints, sponsors, robots - I'm not sure if the venue knows what's coming for them.
So get registered! If you're interested in volunteering on site - sign up to the pycon-organizers list. If you're attending - use the #pycon2012 hashtag on twitter - or add yourself to the Lanyrd directory.
I'm obviously excited - the team, the community and sponsors have all shown up in force to make this mind-numbingly awesome.
Thank you.
Jesse Noller, Chair - PyCon 2012