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"What to do at PyCon?" Post Series

It's almost here! In two weeks over 1500 of you will be descending upon Santa Clara, CA and taking the area by storm with what amounts to a 24-hour-a-day conference for over a week. We think you all know about the talks and tutorials, but there is so much more to the conference. There's stuff to do in the morning, there's stuff to do during the day, there's stuff to do during the night. There's volunteer opportunities, there's off-site events, there's a lot to consider. Believe us, you will be conflicted at times because there's just too much good stuff going on.

That's why we're putting together a series of posts this week to outline what's going on each day and how to tackle the opportunities. As you know, the conference talks begin on Friday March 9 and the tutorials begin two days earlier on Wednesday March 7, but a lot of people come in on Tuesday March 6. Tomorrow we will begin the series by introducing you to what's happening on Tuesday, then each day that follows will let you know what's going on that respective day.

Follow along here and we'll fill you in. You can also follow us at @pycon on Twitter, and be sure to use the hashtag #pycon2012 to discuss the conference.
