The Third Annual Python Education Summit, held during PyCon on Thursday April 9th 2015, is coming together. We are gathering some excellent talk ideas (click here to see some of the proposed talks). Thanks to those who have summited talks so far. As with any event, the Education Summit can't be pulled off alone, so we are asking for volunteers. Some of the roles that you can help with include:
- Keynote Speaker Team: help us identify and invite Keynote speakers(s)
- Call for Proposal Manager: help us support the call for proposal process (answer questions, process submissions, etc)
- Emcee: help emcee for our second track in the afternoon
- Publicity Rep(s): support us in advertising via the twitters/facebooks/etc
- Ushers/go-fers: help ensure that the actual event runs smoothly
NOTE: Even if your schedule doesn't allow you to support through volunteering, please feel free to sign up for the Education Summit to meet with your peers in education to learn more about combining Python and Education.