We are pleased to announce the return of the Hatchery program in PyCon US 2025.
What is the Hatchery program?
This program offers the pathways for PyCon US attendees to introduce new tracks, activities, summits, demos, etc., at PyCon US—activities that all share and fulfill the Python Software Foundation’s mission within the PyCon US schedule.
The program began as a trial led by Ee Durbin and Naomi Ceder in 2018, resulting in the creation of several new tracks that are now staples of PyCon US, for example: PyCon US Charlas, Mentored Sprints, and Maintainer’s Summit.
With the Hatchery program, we want to provide the opportunity for you, the Python community members, to take active participation and lead new activities and events at PyCon US. We want to provide a transparent process for this, and we also want to ensure that every attendee, whether they are new to the community, or have been at the conference for the 10th time, have the equal opportunity to propose ideas for PyCon US.
What belongs in a Hatchery program
PyCon US offers a wide range of events for the attendees to engage with the community during the conference. In addition to the talks, Charlas, keynotes, tutorials, posters, and lightning talks, at PyCon US we further support the Python community by hosting summits (e.g. The Python Language Summit, Education Summit), Sprints, and Open Spaces: one-hour meet ups in dedicated rooms throughout the conference. PyCon US also hosts other events like the PyLadies Luncheon, Members Lunch, and PyLadies Auction. We also offer community booths and Startup Row alongside the Sponsor Booths in the expo hall.
Despite all of the above, as conference organizers we still receive great, creative suggestions and ideas from the community for more things that they’d like to see at PyCon US. This is where the Hatchery program comes in.
If you have an idea for new and different kinds of events, activities, summits, or tracks at PyCon US, or things that do not fit in any of the existing talks, charlas, tutorials, and posters tracks, please propose that as a Hatchery.
A few examples of topics that have been accepted for the program (not a complete list, creativity is expressly encouraged):
- Maintainers' Summit
- The Art of Python
- Foreign language talk track (see the PyCon US Charlas, the first track created in the hatchery, and now a part of PyCon US).
- Scientific data summit
- Mentored Sprints
See the full guidelines and criteria for proposals.
Available spaces and time for the Hatchery Program
We have allocated one room at the conference venue for Hatchery, and this room is available during the main conference days: May 16th-18th. The room will be configured in rounds with a capacity for 70 people and a projector.Each Hatchery session will have a time allotment of a half day (between 2-4 hours) so that two Hatchery Programs can take place each day. Your program does not have to fill the whole time allotment, however, If you do not believe that your program can take place within the time please tell us why when submitting your application.
You might also want to consider running all or part of your activity as an Open Space (no approval or advance application required) instead of a Hatchery event.
One-off events are still encouraged!
We still want to focus on the experimental aspect of the hatchery program. There is no obligation to continue running your program going forward if you no longer have the bandwidth for it.
Rolling admission
Proposal submissions for the Hatchery Program are open until April 17, 2025, or until all the spaces have been filled.
We will be reviewing your ideas and proposals as they come in, and we will do our best to support and accommodate your request. We aim to give you a decision within 2 weeks, depending on the nature of your proposal. (i.e. if your proposal requires a more complicated room set up, we may need extra time to figure out the feasibility for that).
Graduation Criteria
Due to limited spaces at PyCon US, accepted programs are not guaranteed a spot to return in the following years. We will evaluate the program based on the post-event report and attendee feedback.Previously accepted Hatchery organizers are requested to re-submit their program to the CFP so that we have up to date information about this year's organizing team and in case there is any changes to your program.
How to submit your Hatchery proposal?
Please visit the PyCon US 2025 Hatchery page. Submissions are open through the PyCon US 2025 Hatchery CFP on Pretalx here. Please note that Pretalx accounts used for the main conference PyCon US 2025 CFP will not be carried over; all submitters will be required to create a new account for the PyCon US 2025 Hatchery CFP.
Thank you. If you have any questions about the Hatchery, please get in touch with us, pycon-hatchery@python.org. The PyCon US Hatchery Committee members are: Elaine Wong, Jon Banafato, Mariatta Wijaya, and Naomi Ceder.