We’re excited to announce the full schedule for PyCon US 2025!
For another year in a row, PyCon US received over 900 proposal submissions with this year’s final count totalling 938 proposals! We are so excited to have so many people in our community share their work and ideas with us. Thank you to everyone who submitted their proposals!
With these many proposals received, we could easily have enough speakers to fill the program for multiple Python conferences! Our volunteer Program Committee has worked hard to select only 15% of the many strong proposals to create an excellent conference program that covers a wide range of subjects for attendees to enjoy. We’re looking forward to meeting all the presenters and learning from them at PyCon US 2025.
Meet Our Keynote Speakers
We are thrilled to announce our Keynote speakers. Please welcome Lynn Root, the Marshall Project; Geoff Hing and Tom Meagher, Cory Doctorow, and Dr. Kari L. Jordan who will be sharing their insights and perspectives on our main conference days, May 16 - May 18, 2025.
Head to the Keynotes page to learn more about the amazing names that make up this year’s Keynote lineup!
Full Schedule Released
Posters will be featured and displayed during all open hours of the Expo Hall on May 16 - May 17, 2025, with presentations by the authors taking place alongside the Job Fair on Sunday, May 18, 2025. All together, there will be a wide array of topics that we hope experienced and newer Python users will find engaging.
Many thanks again to all of those who submitted proposals this year! The schedule would not be the same without all your hard work.
Note that if you’ve attended PyCon US before, you might notice that our scheduling looks slightly different this year. We encourage you to check the schedule ahead of the conference.
Thank You Committees and Reviewers!
Thank you to all of our Program Committee members and proposal reviewers who volunteered their time and hard work! Going through close to one thousand proposals is no easy task. Without their efforts in helping to launch the PyCon US Call for Proposals, the PyCon US program would not have been possible.
Their commitment to managing the process of preparing for CFPs to launch and managing the review process began over 6 months ago. We truly could not have accomplished the final result of launching the schedule today without each of them.
Tutorial Committee: Sarah Kuchinsky, Merilys Huhn, Mridul Seth, Mfon Eti-mfon
Program Committee: Philippe Gagnon
Charlas Committee: Denny Perez, Cristián Maureira-Fredes
Poster Committee: Kristen McIntyre
In addition, we want to send a huge thank you to the numerous volunteers who reviewed each of the submissions and worked long hours to make sure PyCon US has a great line-up.
Tutorial, Summit & Event Registration
Registration is now open for Tutorials, select Summits & Events, and the PyLadies Auction.
Tutorials - Wednesday, May 14, and Thursday, May 15, 2025 - $150.00 per session. There are 2 time slots per day
Education Summit - Thursday, May 15, 2025 - no entry fee
PyLadies Auction - Saturday evening, May 17, 2025 - $45.00 Entry or $90.00 Supporter rates are offered
Mentored Sprints for Diverse Beginners - Saturday, May 17, 2025 - no entry fee
PyLadies Luncheon - May 18, 2025 - no entry fee
Please note that this year, there is no registration for Sponsor Presentations, the Maintainers Summit, or Hatchery Programs. These programs are open until all spots are filled so make sure you check out each event’s schedule to know when to show up and grab your spot!
Be sure to register for the conference here if you have not already done so. Keep in mind that there are limited spaces available for each of the events listed above, with Tutorials and PyLadies Auction being sold out way ahead of the conference each year. So if you’re planning to attend and participate in any of these, be sure to register early.
NOTE: Please be sure to hit “Check out and Pay” when registering for Tutorials. If you do not complete your invoice and a Tutorial sells out, it will be removed from your cart and you will no longer be able to reserve a spot for that session. Please contact pycon-reg@python.org with any questions.
Conference T-shirts
PyCon US 2025 conference t-shirts and Charlas t-shirts are now available! You can order t-shirts when you are registering for the conference or add them to an already existing registration using the link on your dashboard. The deadline to order t-shirts is April 14, 2025.
A special shoutout and thank you to Georgi K for the hard work and creativity that went into this year’s t-shirt designs!