Seen in a comp.lang.python post : I will be presenting a talk at PyCon, "The Absolute Minimum an Open Source Developer Needs to Know About Intellectual Property." I want to tailor this talk so that it is interesting to as many attendees as possible. I am familiar with a lot of the internal divisions in the Free Software/Open Source community. My intent is not to advocate for or against any specific position, but rather to promote a common understanding and address specific situations that developers may encounter. In other words, a problem/solution approach, instead of an argumentative approach. With that in mind, I had in mind the following subjects: - A brief primer on intellectual property (what are patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets?) - What to do when you have an idea you want to develop, but you are working for somebody else - What it means to incorporate GPL'd modules into your own code - Ways to protect ideas that you have put into a proprietary...